Paper Crane Of Hope started with
small beginnings.

In 2016 I started seeing the symbol of the paper crane everywhere- movies, TV shows, at the shops, in my dreams, posters.

Wherever I went, they were there.

It almost felt like the Universe was trying to tell me something.

I decided to follow this “breadcrumb of the Universe” and learn how to fold the paper crane.

As I folded, I learnt that the paper crane was a symbol of hope and healing. I discovered the story of Sadako Sasaki, a young girl who was a victim to the Hiroshima bombing.

She was known to have folded 1000 paper cranes and said, “I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world.”

“I will write peace on your wings,

and you will fly all over the world.” 

Sadako Sasaki

That’s when the idea came to me…

I thought to myself, “I wonder what would happen if I left this paper crane in my local cafe, and wrote a message of hope and healing on its wing?”

As I placed the paper crane down, on a whim I decided to take a photo and post it anonymously to Instagram.

That’s when Paper Crane Of Hope was born.

Before I knew it, I was leaving paper cranes with messages on their wings, everyday.

Paper Cranes were scattered everywhere.

I would bundle my baby up in the pram, and we would walk around the neighbourhood, scattering paper cranes wherever we went.

The park, cafes, library, local pool, Op shops… Everyday, a new paper crane to be found.

Next thing I knew, I had people messaging me on a constant basis. “I found your paper crane!” they told me.

“It was exactly what I needed to hear!”

The stories were pouring in…

It felt like the Universe was sending me another breadcrumb.

Another message.

People were DM’ing me on a daily basis, pouring their hearts out, sharing how finding my paper crane filled them with a renewed sense of hope.

At this point, I had been on maternity leave for almost 12 months. As much as I loved working as a youth worker and within the community, all I wanted to do was stay home with my baby girl.

There was a strong sense that it was time to take Paper Crane Of Hope to the next phase.

Paper Crane Of Hope Counselling Services Opened in 2021

I went back to study to become a Counsellor.

I knew that there was more I could offer the gentle souls that were finding my social media accounts.

Sure enough, after 4 years… a move across the country.. and my second baby in my arms.. I finished my studies and Paper Crane Of Hope became home to what it is today- counselling services for other introverts, empaths, INFJ’s and gentle souls.


Place of Belonging

Paper Crane Of Hope is a place for those who never feel like they belong, where they feel different, surrounded by people but never really fitting in- you can take a deep breath, sigh, and finally feel like you belong.

PCOH is inclusive of all gender, sexuality, religious beliefs and cultural identities.

New Beginnings

Paper Crane Of Hope is for those who even if they feel like life gave them sh** on a stick, there’s still the hope of New Beginnings.

That no matter what you feel like, or how deep your rock bottom is- you can clamber your way back up, still hope for healing and change- and can have a place of a New Beginning.


Paper Crane Of Hope is a place that reminds you that it doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from, or what you’ve been through…

You can have the courage to be bold and dream big dreams.

If you’re still not sure if I’m the right Counsellor for you… Then feel free to book in for a free meet + greet.

Let’s get to know each other.