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How Online Counselling beats the problem of finding "counselling near me".

I think it’s safe to say that since Covid has happened, there has become more of a push towards counselling services being provided online.

You know, when I was studying to be a therapist, I always imagined myself sitting in my beautiful counselling room with the other person in front of me. We would spend the next hour unpacking their story, and working towards strategies together to help empower them towards a better and more fulfilled life.

When I closed my eyes, I never imagined myself providing this service through a computer screen. At first, the idea of it seemed absurd to me. And I wondered how it could possibly ever work?

But I’ve since changed my mind, and I can see so many benefits and positives to providing online counselling. (Which is why I’ve now decided to go down this route!) I just want to share with you a few reasons why I feel online counselling can beat the problem of needing to find a counsellor in your area.

1) You are able to find a counsellor that you truly connect with, not just the ones in your area.

One of the most important aspects of counselling is the “therapeutic relationship” between the counsellor and client.

As a client, you need to feel comfortable with the counsellor you are seeing. You need to know that you are able to trust them, share with them, and not be afraid to hold back.

If you live on the other side of the country from what would seem like the perfect counsellor for you, then this doesn’t matter! There are no physical limitations with online counselling.

2) You are able to work with a counsellor who specialises in your needs.

A few years ago I was desperately looking for a counsellor who worked specifically with a topic that I was needing help in.

I searched everywhere… but I couldn’t find who I was looking for! I wanted to find someone who completely understood my needs and what I was needing counselling in. I didn’t just want someone who could provide “general counselling”, but I wanted to know that I could trust them with the heart of the matter.

With online counselling, you don’t need to worry about this barrier! You don’t need to find a counsellor in your area and hope that they understand where you’re getting at. With an online counsellor you can search for exactly what it is that you need.

As an online counsellor, what is it that I work with?

  • I work with introverts, and helping to empower the introvert to live and work and breathe in the extrovert world. Introverts present with their own problems and own solutions… What may work for an extrovert, won't necessarily work for an introvert!

  • I work with those who have experience childhood abuse and trauma (in particular, sexual abuse.) I help you to unpack your story, re-tell your story, overcome the shame and (misplaced) guilt that you feel. I help you to release the trauma that is held in your body.

  • And of course, I do provide general counselling too… So even though you might not be an introvert, or experienced childhood abuse (actually, some people aren’t even aware that they have… They just know something has happened in their childhood that is impacting on their adult life)… If you feel comfortable with me, I can provide online counselling for you.

You can book an appointment here.

3) If you are a mum with kids at home, or have a disability, you can still access counselling.

Another barrier I felt when I was looking for counselling, was the fact that I had my young kids with me ALL THE TIME! The idea of taking them to a counselling appointment was so overwhelming, that I ended up leaving it for over a year. Which, let me tell you, was not good for my mental health.

As a mum, I understand what it’s like to always want to keep your children with you. Especially if you’re someone who has experienced childhood abuse, it can be very hard to trust others to care for your children.

Look, I get it… Which is why, with online counselling, you know you can rest assure that your children are safe at home with you. You can turn the TV on, they can have their own toys and books and colouring in to play with. They could be down for their nap during your session. Or, if we need to take a 5 minute break while you console your screaming child- we can do this.

Online counselling breaks down all the barriers that traditional counselling may provide.

4) As an introvert, Online Counselling may meet your needs better! We can cut out the awkward small talk.

Did you know that there’s nothing more exhausting for an introvert than the small talk? What energizers us and fills up our cup is the deep one on one connection.

When we do online counselling… We don’t have to worry about the awkward greetings as you enter the door… Once we click on that Zoom link, and we enter the online counselling room, we can begin.

These are just 4 reasons why I believe Online Counselling can be beneficial for you. There are so many other reasons too!

If you feel ready to begin counselling, and unpacking your story and working towards healing, then I’d love to hear from you! Please contact me , or book an appointment, or if you have any other questions check out my FAQ page.



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