I quit trying to get paid on You Tube (with 2000 subscribers) Something unbelievable then happened!

I quit trying to get paid on You Tube! I've had enough. I've quit trying to get monetized. The thing is, when this happened... You'll never guess what took place! I started learning about a really curious principle and it changed everything.

💙 Hello, I'm Sam, and I'm Australian based online counsellor for INFJ's, empaths, introverts and neurodivergent people. I love providing a space where my clients feel TRULY heard, validated and understood. 🌱

🌱Sign up for my irregular emails and RECEIVE YOUR FREE 30-DAYS OF GRATITUDE PRACTICE GUIDE 🌱 https://mailchi.mp/92d4f16a2426/30daysofgratitude


5 things I wish every INFJ knew. (Secretly!) A Therapist POV.


Is there a link between INFJ's and Autism?