The Spiritual INFJ

I bet you that if you’re an INFJ, gentle soul or empath… then you’re a spiritual person.

And if you’re not, then you’re probably missing one of the  greatest fundamentals of what makes a healthier and happier INFJ overall.

Most of the INFJ’s I chat with have some sort of a spiritual practice.

I think INFJ’s are the personality type that are most drawn towards spirituality.

That would be because of their core characteristics that make up who they are… Their introspective nature, empathy, and of course having a strong intuition.  Every INFJ I have ever come across… and don’t forget I’m a counsellor for INFJ’s… have this deep desire to understand themselves more, and understand the world around them. INFJ’s are the type of people that find meaning and purpose in life, in everything that they do. What’s not spiritual about that?

I believe, and I’m open to hear your opinions in the comments, that there are three areas a person needs to balance to have a positive overall wellbeing. That is looking after their body…. Their mind… and their soul.


It can be difficult for some INFJ’s to have a spiritual practice. Especially if you have a past of religious or church trauma. I feel like INFJ’s can sometimes be quite… naïve, or vulnerable.. .to being taken advantage of in this way.

Look, I’m not going to go through it here.. it’s a topic for another time, talking about religious trauma, it’d be kinda like opening a can of worms.  Eck … But I will say this… I have lived experience of spiritual abuse and church abuse, and when I did leave the church, I also completely disregarded any aspect of spirituality.

It was a long journey for me to find that part of myself again and to implement practices into my own spiritual life. But when I DID finally figure out what I believe and where my values lie, and how I can nurture that soul level of myself, it was incredibly healing and took me on a new pathway of wellness and wellbeing. I fully expect that as I age, as will you, this may change in the way it looks… Afterall, we are forever evolving and learning.

Let’s talk about some ways that we can express our spirituality…

This can be simply in the way we live our life. Living a life of mindfulness and being present in our bodies. I know that as an INFj, it can be incredibly hard to be in our bodies, which is why I think it’s important we make this a practice… We can learn to mindfully live in the simple tasks.

Such as when we are hanging up the washing, we can practice feeling the grass beneath our feet… the sun on our face… the scent of the freshly washed clothes… hearing the birds chirp in the distance… feeling gratitude in our hearts for the simple pleasures of life.

For others, it could be having a practice of journaling and reading oracle cards. Of putting time aside to be within yourself, your thoughts, your heart, to allow words to flow from you… To shuffling the deck and asking for guidance, and connecting with the cards you pull.


This could be little rituals of lighting a candle and expressing gratitude. Or lighting incense and taking a moment to be present.


For others, it could be prayer and meditation… Trusting that whatever is happening in your life, that it will all be ok, that the next steps will be revelaed to you. Holding hope and peace in your heart.

It could be having a life of dance and song… Moving your body, sharing your voice, expressing your spirituality through this way.

Or through the arts, and allowing your creativity to flow and shine.

 For others, it could be living a life of kindness and giving to others. For standing up for the rights of the disadvantaged or giving back to your community. It could be doing random acts of kindness and choosing to be a blessing to others through your generosity.

Spirituality could look like connecting with creation- nature and the animals around us, or paying attention to the phases of the moon.

Being with our pets… Feeling the earth under our feet… Talking with the birds and wildlife. In my backyard we have a possum that lives with us… once, she presented her brand new baby to us. I have magpies that have built a nest where they have their babies.

Almost everyday I have a Mumma magpie who comes to say hello… When she is here with me, staring into my eyes, I feel that deep sense of spiritual connection. I don’t really know how to explain it… But it’s special.

What does spiritualty look like for you? How do you practice spirituality?



Let me ask you… How do you feel when you live a regular life of spirituality? Within yourself and the world around. Are you happier? Are you more hopeful? Do you feel like you’re in a better place of healing when you connect in this way?

If you feel like you need extra guidance… or to talk to someone about your spritiual practices and figuring out what it is that you believe.. My doors are always open for counselling appointments.. I’m able to see people worldwide, except the US and Canada.


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