Do introverts suit "hustle culture" ?


You might be surprised to know this, but many of my counselling clients are both introverts AND business owners (or in the phase of starting a business.)

This happened organically- it wasn’t something that I forced or put out there. But for some reason, I’ve had many introverted business people resonate with me and sign up for sessions.

Something that I don’t think gets talked about much is the “hustle culture”. Unfortunately, on the internet, there are so many loud people out there screaming things such as “Earn 6 figures in one month!” Or “Work hard, hustle harder”.  Etc. And honestly, I’m not against the idea of someone earning 6 figures in a month (wouldn’t that be lovely! Haha!) but I do cringe at the hustle culture that is so often preached at us.

As introverts, INFJ’s or empaths- I just don’t think hustle culture is for us. Boy, I wish people understood this. That it’s okay to slowly build your business. That it’s okay to allow your business to work in with the life that YOU want. (i.e. Not feeling guilty for sleeping! Or taking time off! Or playing with your kids.)

I made the decision long ago, that I would be OKAY with slowly building a business… Because I knew then that my energy levels is not the same as someone else’s. When get get into comparison mode- that’s when we feel discouraged and fail.

So I’m here, giving you permission, that it’s okay to work within your own energy levels. As long as you keep taking one step at a time.

What about you? Do you like hustle culture? How does it make you feel when you read about it?


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