Introverts Living In An Extrovert World

I know what it’s like to be an introvert living in an extrovert’s world.

You feel so misunderstood, like a fish out of water, as if you don’t belong anywhere. You love people, but gosh, it can feel so exhausting to constantly be around them! Always trying to find your place… To fit in… To be accepted and loved for who you are. 

 You think and see the world differently. But when you try to explain that to others, it feels like it falls on flat ears. 

 I know what it’s like to feel bad about needing alone time, and feeling guilty that you’re not there for others. 

 The world isn’t set up for people like us, and when you think and act different, it can be hard to make and keep friends. 
Socializing is difficult. Especially when you feel the emotions of everyone else around you. 

 Until you can fully accept yourself, and learn how to use your introversion (empath and INFJ and Highly Sensitive Person’s) uniqueness- you’re always going to struggle. 

 Often there are unresolved wounds that need to be healed and transformed. 
But sometimes it takes talking to someone who really gets you, and understand the way you think, feel and process- to have your feelings validated and to be understood. 

 From one introvert (INFJ/ empath/ HSP) to another- let me help you through my online counselling services. 

How can online counselling help me? 

I believe there is power in telling your story. 

As an introvert, or INFJ, you are someone who does A LOT of thinking. You process and think, and you keep it all locked up inside of you. But did you know you’re an external feeler? Which means, to finally have some clarification, you need to speak it out. 

To understand your feelings- you need to be able to share them. 

As an INFJ counsellor, I am someone who completely gets it. I understand the way you think and operate. I understand that you’re often 10 steps ahead, and sometimes you feel like you’re wonder woman… Like you don’t need any help, and you can do it all on your own. 

But let me tell you- when you finally have your thoughts and feelings validated, you will feel so empowered. 

You will learn how to love yourself more, to be accepting of who you are, and to live a life that is more confident… free… and joyful. 

Plus, the added bonus of having online counselling? There is no need to leave the comfort of your home! Win! 


What a week in isolation has taught an INFJ in small business.


Introverts, INFJ's and empaths... If you're in business... DO NOT QUIT